Originally, I would have been inclined to agree with most of you. My thought was that intelligent life very likely exists right in this galaxy, but that it was probably not making house calls. I'm an evidence sorta guy. Problem is, when I finally got past the decades long practice of ridiculing anyone who's interested in studying a phenomenon, I found that there is stacks of evidence for it everywhere.
2 or 3, 10 or 20, maybe even 1 or 200 accounts could be dismissed. Not thousands. To dismiss thousands and thousands of sightings and experiences, many from very reputable people, without so much as a look - smacks of ignorance and hearkens back to the blind dogma of the Catholic church when questioned about a flat earth being the center of the universe. "I don't understand how a race a million years ahead of us could get here, so it can't be true."
Anyway, dozens of government officials from nearly every major country have come forward to admit that extraterrestrials are indeed real.
Both British and US Freedom of information acts have unearthed a myriad of documents that show those governments have been extremely active in covering up and then ridiculing UFO sightings.
The more I looked into it, the more I became convinced that we have been and still are being visited by extraterrestrials. This is from a guy who was most definitely a skeptic. Actually, I still am. If anyone ever tells me they saw a UFO, I'm going to immediately start punching holes in their story.
That being said. There's far too much evidence collected in the last 80+ years to blindly dismiss the possibility.
I'll return to respond to your insults. I just have a lot of work to do right now.
2 or 3, 10 or 20, maybe even 1 or 200 accounts could be dismissed. Not thousands. To dismiss thousands and thousands of sightings and experiences, many from very reputable people, without so much as a look - smacks of ignorance and hearkens back to the blind dogma of the Catholic church when questioned about a flat earth being the center of the universe. "I don't understand how a race a million years ahead of us could get here, so it can't be true."
Anyway, dozens of government officials from nearly every major country have come forward to admit that extraterrestrials are indeed real.
Both British and US Freedom of information acts have unearthed a myriad of documents that show those governments have been extremely active in covering up and then ridiculing UFO sightings.
The more I looked into it, the more I became convinced that we have been and still are being visited by extraterrestrials. This is from a guy who was most definitely a skeptic. Actually, I still am. If anyone ever tells me they saw a UFO, I'm going to immediately start punching holes in their story.
That being said. There's far too much evidence collected in the last 80+ years to blindly dismiss the possibility.
I'll return to respond to your insults. I just have a lot of work to do right now.