As far as real progress physical evolution is like a fart because once you die this evolution die with you.
Evolution of the consciousness instead is the real evolution because the progress that you make will be with you even after your physical death but of course considering that atheism does not believe that life goes on after physical death then atheists are left with nothing other than believe that evolution only relate to the physical aspect.
This belief however is contradicted by the fact that atheists like almost everybody else strive to get more and more knowledge everyday even if this knowledge is based on dogmas which I already exposed time and time again.
Why are you here on the forum right now?
Isn't for learning?
Isn't this evolution of the mind-consciouness?
Can't you see how you contradict yourself time and time again?
Get real guys because so far you live in a world of total fantasy.
As far as real progress physical evolution is like a fart because once you die this evolution die with you.
Evolution of the consciousness instead is the real evolution because the progress that you make will be with you even after your physical death but of course considering that atheism does not believe that life goes on after physical death then atheists are left with nothing other than believe that evolution only relate to the physical aspect.
This belief however is contradicted by the fact that atheists like almost everybody else strive to get more and more knowledge everyday even if this knowledge is based on dogmas which I already exposed time and time again.
Why are you here on the forum right now?
Isn't for learning?
Isn't this evolution of the mind-consciouness?
Can't you see how you contradict yourself time and time again?
Get real guys because so far you live in a world of total fantasy.