The change in audience doesn't justify staying here. In 20 years, I've seen two forum atheists convert to Christianity. One I don't even count - he was young, had switched from Christianity to atheism, then started dating a Christian and went back. I doubt it had anything to do with what he saw in the forums. The other couldn't say why he converted. He just did. I talked to him afterward and it didn't have anything to do with arguments he saw on the forums. When people make it to a forum like this, they've usually made up their ming one way or the other, and aren't going to change. I've also considered the lurker argument, but I haven't seen evidence of that either. It's rationalization.
I don't think participation here is merely a neutral activity. God warned Israel not to intermarry with its neighbors, or it would adopt their Gods. Israel ignored God, and did indeed end up worshiping false Gods. While the relationships here aren't as strong as marriage, the principle remains. Paul also makes it more general than marriage - "bad company corrupts good character." You disagree that there's anything wrong in associating with atheists. Do you have a Biblical basis for that, or do you just want to believe it because you enjoy hanging out here? The Bible verses we've seen are IMO pretty clear. Here's another:
Romans 1
18 For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who suppress the truth in unrighteousness,
I think it's pretty clear that the atheists here suppress the truth in unrigteousness. So, God has declared his wrath on them - and we're here goofing around with them in threads about poop and sex. It's fun and it passes the time, but I don't think God is pleased with it.
Further, if it is a neutral activity, aren't there much better things you could be doing with your time? You could join a Christian forum and do the same things you do here. You could visit people in your church and make RL friends. You could read the Bible and pray. You could go for a walk. You note yourself that this place is a time killer and escape for you. Something productive would be better than that, even if you can support that it's just neutral. For me, I do 95% of my posting at work. I also use it to pass time and escape. If I hadn't, I could be further along in my career now. So, even if it's neutral, you still need to consider the opportunity cost.
@Neo: Nice to see I'm not alone in my thoughts. I suspected I'd be a voice crying in the wilderness on this one. Only difference I have is that my reasons for leaving really don't have anything to do with being subjected to abuse. Also thanks for starting this debate. Some of these thoughts have been kicking around for some time now, but this made me sit down ad really think it through.
@GC and Drich: really not much to say. I've always considered you guys to be marching to a different beat than I am. It takes all kinds of parts to make the body, so that's a good thing.
@ A Theist. Insults don't bother me. The point is that it's wasted time. None of the Biblical figures you mention made a habit of hanging out with people after they had heard the message and strongly rejected it. Yes, Paul was imprisoned and beaten, and then he usually moved on to the next town, and he usually went to the synagogue there to begin preaching.
The change in audience doesn't justify staying here. In 20 years, I've seen two forum atheists convert to Christianity. One I don't even count - he was young, had switched from Christianity to atheism, then started dating a Christian and went back. I doubt it had anything to do with what he saw in the forums. The other couldn't say why he converted. He just did. I talked to him afterward and it didn't have anything to do with arguments he saw on the forums. When people make it to a forum like this, they've usually made up their ming one way or the other, and aren't going to change. I've also considered the lurker argument, but I haven't seen evidence of that either. It's rationalization.
I don't think participation here is merely a neutral activity. God warned Israel not to intermarry with its neighbors, or it would adopt their Gods. Israel ignored God, and did indeed end up worshiping false Gods. While the relationships here aren't as strong as marriage, the principle remains. Paul also makes it more general than marriage - "bad company corrupts good character." You disagree that there's anything wrong in associating with atheists. Do you have a Biblical basis for that, or do you just want to believe it because you enjoy hanging out here? The Bible verses we've seen are IMO pretty clear. Here's another:
Romans 1
18 For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who suppress the truth in unrighteousness,
I think it's pretty clear that the atheists here suppress the truth in unrigteousness. So, God has declared his wrath on them - and we're here goofing around with them in threads about poop and sex. It's fun and it passes the time, but I don't think God is pleased with it.
Further, if it is a neutral activity, aren't there much better things you could be doing with your time? You could join a Christian forum and do the same things you do here. You could visit people in your church and make RL friends. You could read the Bible and pray. You could go for a walk. You note yourself that this place is a time killer and escape for you. Something productive would be better than that, even if you can support that it's just neutral. For me, I do 95% of my posting at work. I also use it to pass time and escape. If I hadn't, I could be further along in my career now. So, even if it's neutral, you still need to consider the opportunity cost.
@Neo: Nice to see I'm not alone in my thoughts. I suspected I'd be a voice crying in the wilderness on this one. Only difference I have is that my reasons for leaving really don't have anything to do with being subjected to abuse. Also thanks for starting this debate. Some of these thoughts have been kicking around for some time now, but this made me sit down ad really think it through.
@GC and Drich: really not much to say. I've always considered you guys to be marching to a different beat than I am. It takes all kinds of parts to make the body, so that's a good thing.
@ A Theist. Insults don't bother me. The point is that it's wasted time. None of the Biblical figures you mention made a habit of hanging out with people after they had heard the message and strongly rejected it. Yes, Paul was imprisoned and beaten, and then he usually moved on to the next town, and he usually went to the synagogue there to begin preaching.