We have some dog owners who swear by acupuncture for their dogs. Dogs of course are immune to the placebo effect but not so their owners. Generally it seems to me that people who submit to acupuncture themselves swear it works wonders on their dogs while those who don't are unimpressed.
A vet I used for one of my old guys offered a couple of free acupuncture 'treatments' when she started down the road of Chinese medicine and herbs. He was 12 years old and needed some help getting up. He had two treatments and I saw no difference. I frequently had to lift his butt up for him. After the second treatment I found one of the pins that they left in him when I got him home. That was the end of that. I switched vets.
A vet I used for one of my old guys offered a couple of free acupuncture 'treatments' when she started down the road of Chinese medicine and herbs. He was 12 years old and needed some help getting up. He had two treatments and I saw no difference. I frequently had to lift his butt up for him. After the second treatment I found one of the pins that they left in him when I got him home. That was the end of that. I switched vets.