You'll never change and I won't waste any more time arguing with a fundie.
For people who are interested in pauline frauds let's do this:
Here's Richard Carrier on two of the more obvious frauds. Note that Carrier also treats this "paul" guy as a real person which is also debateable but for now we can use the observation that someone wrote this shit out originally ( probably Marcion ) and still acknowledge that others came along later and changed it.
For people who are interested in pauline frauds let's do this:
Here's Richard Carrier on two of the more obvious frauds. Note that Carrier also treats this "paul" guy as a real person which is also debateable but for now we can use the observation that someone wrote this shit out originally ( probably Marcion ) and still acknowledge that others came along later and changed it.
Quote:In the New Testament, at least two passages have been interpolated into the letters of Paul: 1 Thessalonians 2:14-16 and 1 Corinthians 14:34-35. Today I'll present the evidence for this conclusion that most experts have long known about, but most laymen never hear.