I was just reading the initial post about the potter and the clay. In a dictatorial sense God would have the power, but not necesarily the right to do as he saw fit. But the good thing from a Christian perspective is God is not a big bully. He is infact as the bible says "Love", there is a verse in Job that says "Should the unjust rule?" - well it is my opinion that however God came to become God, in power over man, got that position because he was infact good. I mean it would take for ever and a day to go over all he scriptures and references that are in the bible about God's mercy, forgiveness, and love toward the sinner. But God is not talking to the clay going you "#$G&* $%#&^", die you stupid "%^%$#@". He is infact planning a good future for each of us, and wants each person to be blessed.
You migh be aware of a verse about Pharoah in Romans, i.e. For the Scripture says to Pharaoh: "I raised you up for this very purpose, that I might display my power in you and that my name might be proclaimed in all the earth." - the verse was one Moses quotes to pharoah saying God had made egypt powerful so he could display the fact God was more powerful than the most powerful nation on earth. He raised up a hard hearted king so he would not let the Israelites go easily, so God could display his power. The response by the apostle to this idea was, sort of like this "Hey is it fair that God causes soem people to be stubborn so he can display his power, is that not unfair", he then goes on to say "What if God, choosing to show his wrath and make his power known, bore with great patience the objects of his wrath—prepared for destruction?" - Rom 9:22 So what does that mean. Well he is saying God bore them patiently for many years (great patience). Then when he was sure they were no longer responsive to love, like the devil, he chose for a time to use them to display his power against evil.
You migh be aware of a verse about Pharoah in Romans, i.e. For the Scripture says to Pharaoh: "I raised you up for this very purpose, that I might display my power in you and that my name might be proclaimed in all the earth." - the verse was one Moses quotes to pharoah saying God had made egypt powerful so he could display the fact God was more powerful than the most powerful nation on earth. He raised up a hard hearted king so he would not let the Israelites go easily, so God could display his power. The response by the apostle to this idea was, sort of like this "Hey is it fair that God causes soem people to be stubborn so he can display his power, is that not unfair", he then goes on to say "What if God, choosing to show his wrath and make his power known, bore with great patience the objects of his wrath—prepared for destruction?" - Rom 9:22 So what does that mean. Well he is saying God bore them patiently for many years (great patience). Then when he was sure they were no longer responsive to love, like the devil, he chose for a time to use them to display his power against evil.
Hey I love God he is awsome.