(May 13, 2009 at 5:53 pm)obsessed_philosopher Wrote: I can soo relate to Julia Sweeney.She's really funny, she's explained some of the things she went through that I also went through--religious belief-wise, anyways--and I really like her.
It got me thinking, after listening to her speech about how she came to be an atheist. She even mentioned pantheism, and her throwing that out the window, so to speak, explained alot to me.
You see, I'm a "new" atheist. I'd like to say I'm alot like Julia, and I'm kinda still in the process of 'letting go'. I have such a hold on religious faith, and belief, and it's just so hard for me to let it all go! I'm done with Christianity--that god's an asshole!--but what I'm not done with is all the paganism, the Wicca. It's fun! I like the "whee, nature!~" and "whee, magic!~" and sometimes I wonder if I'm even up for atheism. Maybe I'm a little too "out there" to really be a logical, rational individul? And when I try to read up on rationality, or what have you, I get BORED. I want it to be exciting, not so dry and flippant, and just blah, blah blah, blah BLAH. e_e
I want to be a better person, a better student, a better human being. How can I do all this when I'm so damn wrapped up in (myslef) and new age bs?
Any advice?
EDIT: Okay, so I looked this thing up, and I came accross "magical thinking". >_< DAMMIT.
I have a magical thinking 'disorder'--so much to an extent that I really think it screws with my life. What is the cure for this?
Did you read The God delusion? Richard Dawkins is so to say our most preeminent Guru.His book is partly real thrilling but has also boring chapters.His open debates are more interesting.
In principle you are right we are still awaiting for a atheist genius who will be able to write the "Bible" of atheism.