(November 29, 2018 at 11:28 pm)Gae Bolga Wrote:(November 29, 2018 at 11:07 pm)Cherub786 Wrote: Now look, I’m not here to bash atheism or atheists. I’m only pointing out that in today’s world religious liberty is increasingly being curtailed. Atheists tend to be well off and privileged people. They either live in parts of the world that are relatively free (North America, Europe) or in other parts of the world where atheism is promoted by the state (China). Where exactly are they being mistreated on account of their atheism?Yeah, gonna call shenanigans on that one. That's exactly why you're here, lol. I mean..it's okay, we get it all the time, this is only the billionth time we've heard your every complaint.
Quote:Coming back to the subject of libertarianism and individualism vs authoritarianism and collectivism, I feel that all of us, despite our religious and cultural differences, should unite in favor of libertarian and anarchist tendencies. A snake handler from Appalachia and a Haredi Jew in Brooklyn are culturally very different, but both of their religious liberty is threatened by rising political trends. Even atheists should support religious liberty for all and not just for themselves.I'm not interested in supporting the "religious liberties" of people who think that their "religious liberty" is curtailing the liberties, religious and otherwise, of others.
Quote:We have to start by smashing the foundation of the modern nation state, i.e., the concept of a single nationhood. We need to reject that we are a single nation but instead we are multiple nations coexisting in a single polity, and each of us need our own space and freedom to pursue our own destiny. We are all integrated into a single economic and political system, but that doesn’t mean we have to be forced to think of ourselves as a single nation. Let’s call for limiting the state and allow communities and populations greater autonomy to live the life they want.You're talking to the wrong guy on that one. I'm a patriot, and uninterested in weakening my country just because some nutbar thinks the religious have it tough somewhere else. I'll note that my state has made it possible for greater numbers of people all ove the world to enjoy the freedom to pursue their own destinies than any other country and most definitely any religion in the history of the same. It's not called the american century for nothin.
You benefit from that framework, and now bite the hand that feeds... imagining that somalia is, somehow, freedom..because, something something something, hurr durr atheists china and russia...and the violence inherent in the system! Why not try some murrican libertarianism? A strong state wholly committed to preserving our individual liberty. After all, in the absence of such a state, you only have as much liberty as I might allow you at the tip of my rifle..which won't be much. You know, what with my inherent tendencies as an atheist, and all?
Your idea of why we "won" the cold war is as amatuerish as the rest of your remarks, but you be you, and be a good little boy for the state, of 1950's america, lol. Meanwhile, I think that you should probably leave humanism up to the humanists, like anything else, you seem to know fuck all about it.
I’ve got to hand it to you, you’re writing style is pretty impressive and entertaining.
But the content is very disingenuous. I’m not interested in taking away anyone’s religious liberty. When the religious liberty of one group is taken away, all of our religious liberty is taken away. I have nothing to do with snake handlers from Appalachia, but if they are not allowed to handle venomous snakes as per their religion, my own religious liberty is assaulted. And my religious liberties are being jeopardized too, like infant circumcision, animal sacrifice, full veiling of women, and private religious education free of state curricula. When my religious liberties are being jeopardized, other groups should speak up as well. Remember the saying “first they came for the (fill in the blank) and I did not speak out...then they came for me – and there was no one left to speak for me.” I want Mormons to be free to practice polygyny, Amish to be free to live in their own communes, Jehovah’s Witnesses free to not have to stand for the national anthem, orthodox Jews free to have their rabbinic courts, Muslim women free to cover their face, Sikhs free to wear turbans, and so on and so forth. Likewise, atheists are already free to not have to believe in any deity or practice any religion.
Now I never said Somalia is the ideal place to be, but I deliberately mentioned Somalia, which is generally regarded as a failed state and a disaster, and said even such a nightmarish hellhole is preferable to me than living in an Orwellian state.
Of course, the place in the world with the most freedom is hands down the USA. But you must realize that when people abandon the libertarian mindset your freedom being snatched away could happen in an instant. Never feel secure as long as there is an active agenda that wants to implement more statism and socialism.
Anyways, you are a patriot and I’m the opposite of a patriot. I’m a dissident and a rejectionist. I belong to the fringe and margin of society, where I belong naturally and feel most at ease. I am against nationalism, both ethnic and civic forms, and I am against state worship.