(December 10, 2018 at 9:32 pm)tackattack Wrote: It's not a terrible analogy. U the "poisoner" should go where you want to go. If you don't want to go where the "poisoner is poisoning air" then you don't want to go there and should go somewhere else. Lots of people feel the same way you do though and just from I don't like something, or I don't want something and therefor you can't do it. It's exactly my point.
Pulling christmas carols out of a school play because the atheists and secularlists don't like it is just as stupid as #METOO getting "baby it's cold outside" pulled from one radio station.
Religion aside, because it's continuing to galvanize sides, What is the mechanism that jumps us from I don't like or want something , to you can't do it? I don't get it, I mean I did that when I was like 4 and I took my truck out of the sandbox and went home because I didn't want anyone to play with it. It just seems like society in lots of areas is all about the tantrum and less about the understanding.
Should they be having a school play about "christ"mas to begin with? I'm pretty sure they didn't have a Hanukkah play because the US is not 70% jewish. I know they didn't have a pagan play.
I think you're just bent out of shape because the majority religions influence is dwindling and those use(used?) to being the majority are falsely feeling persecuted. Is this the "fear" you referred to earlier?
As Rev said, your religious freedom should stop where my nose (ears in this case) start.
Being told you're delusional does not necessarily mean you're mental.