The above describes Racial apathy. I am not unwilling to address forms of racially disparate treatment. It's not that I'm towing some racial majority line, or that I'm subtly hiding my anti-integrationalist feelings behind a socially acceptable indifference. It's a null position. You are wrong but let me be specific for clarity. I already stated that I can appreciate that people are classifying machines and tend to categorize people based on biases and that includes myself.
It's not that I object to any programatic solutions to address social wrongs, just the application of discrimination to equalize discrimination. Racial neutrality isn't racist in it's intent or effect. That's the very reason I started this thread.
Let's see if I can make this clearer. Person A is an Atheist, they hold that there is no proof of God. It's a neutral position. But in action (put on your SJW pants) that becomes railing against religious mechanizations with vitriol. That pushes the pendulum back the other direction. Which galvanizes the other side to push back. The more intolerance, injustice and emotionalism applied by both sides just keeps the pendulum running. I would like to think that eventually it will rest peacefully in the middle, but that's only when both sides give up feeding the problem with more problems, and isn't realistic.
In this post ( I disagree with the conclusion but agree with his quote of King
It's not that I object to any programatic solutions to address social wrongs, just the application of discrimination to equalize discrimination. Racial neutrality isn't racist in it's intent or effect. That's the very reason I started this thread.
Let's see if I can make this clearer. Person A is an Atheist, they hold that there is no proof of God. It's a neutral position. But in action (put on your SJW pants) that becomes railing against religious mechanizations with vitriol. That pushes the pendulum back the other direction. Which galvanizes the other side to push back. The more intolerance, injustice and emotionalism applied by both sides just keeps the pendulum running. I would like to think that eventually it will rest peacefully in the middle, but that's only when both sides give up feeding the problem with more problems, and isn't realistic.
In this post ( I disagree with the conclusion but agree with his quote of King
Quote:we will have to repent in this generation notThe problem you're not seeing is that you claim your SJW side is right. My argument is really about the tools used. There are bad people on both sides. Inaction is less overt but bad as well. Simply by starting this discussion I do promote action/discussion/change, in myself and others. It's also about what tools would be better than fighting fire with fire.
merely for the vitriolic words and actions of the bad people, but for the appalling silence
of the good people” (King Jr. 1996:745)
"There ought to be a term that would designate those who actually follow the teachings of Jesus, since the word 'Christian' has been largely divorced from those teachings, and so polluted by fundamentalists that it has come to connote their polar opposite: intolerance, vindictive hatred, and bigotry." -- Philip Stater, Huffington Post
always working on cleaning my windows- me regarding Johari
always working on cleaning my windows- me regarding Johari