So rather than embrace and celebrate the tolerance gained for the trans community in recent years, you're going to bash people for failing to meet your personal expectations? Okay, I guess that's how consumerism works. You can choose not to shop at that store again.
Social change isn't typically sudden, though, no matter how right you think you are. Things get nudged in the right direction, not shoved. The shoving method may result in a nasty backlash that sets the cause off course for years or decades. Maybe even longer. Not worth it to me. Stay the course and be polite and firm in your resolve. Give courteous responses that ask people to quietly question their own biases.
Social change isn't typically sudden, though, no matter how right you think you are. Things get nudged in the right direction, not shoved. The shoving method may result in a nasty backlash that sets the cause off course for years or decades. Maybe even longer. Not worth it to me. Stay the course and be polite and firm in your resolve. Give courteous responses that ask people to quietly question their own biases.