Thanks for your responses. I am new to this format. Please forgive my lack of quotes. I was shocked to see 4 pages after only 1 day.
Is there really someone here trying to argue that Yahweh is emotionless? Wow, just wow. So when the buy-bull says god so loved the world, that was a lie? The important thing to remember about the text is that it says we were made in God's image. Please explain where emotions come from if not from God. Thanks.
I think it is more plausible that God just does not exist. and man created gods in his image.
If you ignore the OT the NT is null and void because the OT prophecies a Messiah. Is there a Messiah or no?
Is there really someone here trying to argue that Yahweh is emotionless? Wow, just wow. So when the buy-bull says god so loved the world, that was a lie? The important thing to remember about the text is that it says we were made in God's image. Please explain where emotions come from if not from God. Thanks.
I think it is more plausible that God just does not exist. and man created gods in his image.
If you ignore the OT the NT is null and void because the OT prophecies a Messiah. Is there a Messiah or no?
Belief in a Cruel God makes a Crueler Man. Thomas Paine with minor edit crueler instead of cruel.