(April 9, 2019 at 6:12 pm)Gae Bolga Wrote: My kids are doing well with it so far. Took us a bit to fall into a rhythm, more than anything it took me awhile to get together all the resources I was going to need. I'm lucky enough to have educated educators (lol) in the family to help me with that - and I'll definitely be leaning on them more summer through fall.
For now, though, we've gotten the kids out of a crap situation at a chronically underfunded rural school. Their general state of mind and behavior have improved drastically. There was nothing quite like watching years of work the wife and I did regarding body shaming..for example, get eradicated by a gaggle of drooling hillbilly spawn.
They've crushed the state requirements for their grades, so we're poaching stuff from the next. School is mobile, so they get to go where we go when we go and school comes with. We'll be on the outer banks in a couple of weeks so we're doing marine biology. Breakfast and lunch aren't a shitshow of processed corn and potato products. They have a four kid classroom..and part of what we're doing is having them teach each other. School is going to be all year round so there won't be any lapses and forgetting over those summer months. We're free to take what has been shown to work in other models and discard all of the institutional shit that public school saddled them with. My kindergarten son can do basic algebra and explain it, the state was clear that a kindergartener never so much as needed to see a math problem written out. Just counting on fingers is what they were after, lol.
They're getting things out of homeschool they just didn't get at any school we could have afforded, and we weren't going to place one and leave the others behind. All together or not at all. I'll jump on a decent private school at the drop of a dime if I find those dimes to spend, though. More for me than for them, lol.
Indeed. Teaching isn't easy. My question is, what are your children going to do once they have the "equivalent" of a high school education ( > than that, I'm expecting) and then have to work beside drones? Better to come up with some coping skills sooner rather than later. I know how frustrating it was for me, and I was in the public school system. Working with people who are clueless sucks.
If you get to thinking you’re a person of some influence, try ordering somebody else’s dog around.