"Truce" is about war, not logic. The world does not need more war. But sorry Drich, I won't shy away from anyone of any religion making claims based on old mythology. I have no desire to have anyone arrested because I think they don't need religion. And I certainly welcome any non violent individual into my community, but that does not mean I am obligated to accept old claims and never challenge them.
I can value the likes of Martin Luther King Jr, Ann Frank, and Malala, and disagree with where any of them would claim our species behaviors come from. I love my late mother who was a Catholic and died a Catholic, but she knew my position, she knew I argued that she didn't need her religion.
You piss me off Drich, but unless you were physically assaulting me, or passing laws to have me arrested, I still would not leave you bleeding in the streets if you got into a car accident.
I also think Malala got it wrong. Islam isn't the source for female rights, anymore than Christianity or Hinduism or Buddhism. I value human empathy, like that of Sammy Davis Jr. I hate warmongers like Trump and Bibi. I could care what one's religion is.
I can accept that religion exists, and to greater or lesser degrees it always will. But my fellow humans need to STOP coddling religion and stop being afraid to change when better data comes in.
I can value the likes of Martin Luther King Jr, Ann Frank, and Malala, and disagree with where any of them would claim our species behaviors come from. I love my late mother who was a Catholic and died a Catholic, but she knew my position, she knew I argued that she didn't need her religion.
You piss me off Drich, but unless you were physically assaulting me, or passing laws to have me arrested, I still would not leave you bleeding in the streets if you got into a car accident.
I also think Malala got it wrong. Islam isn't the source for female rights, anymore than Christianity or Hinduism or Buddhism. I value human empathy, like that of Sammy Davis Jr. I hate warmongers like Trump and Bibi. I could care what one's religion is.
I can accept that religion exists, and to greater or lesser degrees it always will. But my fellow humans need to STOP coddling religion and stop being afraid to change when better data comes in.