The enduring rock and a hard spot dilemma, made a bit more complex by the delicate nature of matrimonial intimacy.
Believe it or not, there are plenty of believers that take your stance as an outright attack on their cherished faith. Almost as if you being true to yourself, is a wicked betrayal of their trust. That's not to say every believer follows this line of thinking. To me it seems, the closer you are to this person, the deeper the wound you have so callously inflicted.
Now I don't have all the variables of your current situation, perhaps not harping on either position will allow the potential powderkeg to blow over. Perhaps not.
One thing for sure, if you both sincerely care for one another, the trivial matters, matter not.
Believe it or not, there are plenty of believers that take your stance as an outright attack on their cherished faith. Almost as if you being true to yourself, is a wicked betrayal of their trust. That's not to say every believer follows this line of thinking. To me it seems, the closer you are to this person, the deeper the wound you have so callously inflicted.
Now I don't have all the variables of your current situation, perhaps not harping on either position will allow the potential powderkeg to blow over. Perhaps not.
One thing for sure, if you both sincerely care for one another, the trivial matters, matter not.