Also found in: Thesaurus, Medical, Financial, Idioms.
ba·by·sit also ba·by-sit (bā′bē-sĭt′)
v. ba·by·sat (-săt′), ba·by·sit·ting, ba·by·sits also ba·by-sat or ba·by-sit·ting or ba·by-sits
1. To take care of a child or children in the absence of a parent or guardian.
2. To take care of or watch over someone or something needing attention or guidance.
1. To provide care for (a child) in the absence of a parent or guardian.
2. To watch over or tend: babysat the neighbor's plants for a week.
**Note the part that says 'in the absence of a parent or guardian'.
Once again - Brian you don't get to decide what words mean. We have an established definition and saying the mother of child was babysitting for her child is wrong.
We have non-native English speakers here who have a better command of the language.
Also found in: Thesaurus, Medical, Financial, Idioms.
ba·by·sit also ba·by-sit (bā′bē-sĭt′)
v. ba·by·sat (-săt′), ba·by·sit·ting, ba·by·sits also ba·by-sat or ba·by-sit·ting or ba·by-sits
1. To take care of a child or children in the absence of a parent or guardian.
2. To take care of or watch over someone or something needing attention or guidance.
1. To provide care for (a child) in the absence of a parent or guardian.
2. To watch over or tend: babysat the neighbor's plants for a week.
**Note the part that says 'in the absence of a parent or guardian'.
Once again - Brian you don't get to decide what words mean. We have an established definition and saying the mother of child was babysitting for her child is wrong.
We have non-native English speakers here who have a better command of the language.