(April 2, 2020 at 10:36 pm)Paleophyte Wrote:again sport it does not matter what you think about eye witness testimony. it is still a valid form of evidence, so much so we take human life on the word of the eye witness. there is no greater measure against your objection for what other form of evidence THAT COULD APPLY HERE that would trump what an first hand eye witness reported?(April 2, 2020 at 11:55 am)Drich Wrote: like it or not this is not a science experiment so the definition of evidence broadens to include eye witness testimony.
Eye witness testimony has been shown to be horrifyingly unreliable. Your testimony is dismissed as unreliable.
Quote:actually it is both. you simply do not have the intelligence nor wherewithal to ask how this is a reason and or explaination.
Simply stating that something is an explanation lends it no explanatory power. Nor does the petty insult.
[/quote] again sport... if you can not intellectually unbox the information provided with your intellect, ask a question to help you see the answer provided.
I don't expect everyone to know what i do. how ever it is my first priority to directly answer the question asked. even if the answer is over the head of the person who asked.
Otherwise i am accused of dancing around or creating straw men.
Quote:and if those wants include servants
Quote:Wants imply needs and imperfections. A "Deity" that wants is a joke.man hate to have a dad like yours, if you think to want is an imperfection. or the fact that perfection is an absolute.
Where you defination of god fails you is that a alpha and omega can follow any standard he wishes. for that is true power.
If a god can not want, He then is not all powerful. True power is in the fulfillment of the will not the demonstration of power. a true all powerful God is not infinitely strong. but rather as strong as he wants to be.
Do you see where your understanding fails? your god is subjugated to serving his strength/can not show weakness no matter what..
My God the God of the Bible the Alpha and Omega is strong because his strength does not exceed his will. That is the extreme intelligence in being an alpha and omega over omni-max.
Quote:not trying to impress with a miracle, this is you moving the goal posts.
Quote:You claim that theyHE
Quote:disappeared using what I will assume is Divine power. This is the definition of a miracle. It fails to impress.i do not know what he used might have been the cloak of invisibility or a cloaking devise. Hell he could have simply transported. the point was transportation was not his need like you speculated.
again again i point out that the miracle was not in the cloak, but everything he knew said and did.
Quote:something happened no one can explain take all the details as they happen stop trying to segregate and explain things by changing the narrative.
Quote:I can explain it. You were duped. Conned.i haven't shared the details of his message, so give me some of those things that i said i prayed to god for the things i had only prayed to my self. not the one word prayers butone of the other ones asking for something...
you got nothing.. but scary angel had those prayers several big ones.
then scary angel had my present situation and complete solution.
Then scary angel told me of my love life.
and scary angel knew of my future. So tell me in depth like he did on any of those subjects..
I did not share completely because he level of detail he verbalized is usually internalized and apart of your inner dialog. how you see things without a filter.
The fact that this man knew those things was the miracle.
Quote: You've invested so much of your identity into this falsehood that you're incapable of admitting that angels don't have parole officers, don't need to tell lies, don't need to ask for rides.you are a contradiction factory. your idea of god is so strong he always has to do the thing that shows the most strength. but can have servants/angels which the bible says he does. then according to you these angels can not come to people in the ways documented in the bible. when they do they can't come as regular people. then they can't test us like they did in the bible.
Looking back my experience follows the same biblical pattern of everyone who had dealt with angels who did not know they were angels. but for you and your little version of god whom you have a complete understanding of. this is not possible.
Quote: If God AllMighty needs to have a word with you he simply does.God only spoke to literal leaders of nations IN THE OT.
I am not even gong to pretend i am worthy of that conversation.
Is this what happened to you? you were waiting for a burning bush were ya? you are as special as moses? God needs to drop the universe so he can coddle you? messenger not good enough??? that sport is why you sit in the dark concerning god.
Quote:I stopped in an empty parking lot. i opened the door a man appeared out of nowhere. he was not there went i turned to open the door nor put a foot out side in the moment where i ducked my head to clear the door frame on a 64 ranchero to the moment i was looking forward again this guy 'appears' silently and completely.
Quote:You failed to see him in the dimly lit parking lot because you had a lot on your mind, were looking for a parking space, and operating a motor vehicle. See how simple an explanation that is?my explanation he was an angel who appeared in the 1/2 second between ducking my head to exit my car and stand up.. (which my peripheral would have pick up a mass coming to me.) your explanation black man blended well into evening sky. never mind he was not naked and his cloths were lighter and the parking lot was lit.
Quote:we leave and he asks if i want to know my future. i say yes. last thing i said out loud. He repeated my pleas to god while when i was a child.. said they would be granted. told me of my present situation told me how to fix that. told me what my dads thoughts and prayers were. spoke of my mom being in korea. then told me of my future. even stopped mid sentence to answer a question i had in my head. told me how my life would be used by God if i ABC... then let him out he knew of the 2 dollars i set aside for him if he asked. he knew how much and the reason why.
Quote:Classic dupe. It's been used for millenia on suckers like you.sorry no, the classic dupe involves 'fishing.' i never said a word.
Quote:then disappeared.
Quote:Did you see him disappear or did you fail to see where he went. Be honest.literally disappeared there was no where for him to go. the nearest structure was 100 yards away. he had too much stuff to clear 100 years in under 2 seconds. he was 500 yards from the perimeter of the parking lot and the stadium lights.
Quote:Have you noticed how petty insults fail to convince that you've been influenced by the Divine. Really the opposite.What it conveys is that your idea of divine is so corrupt, your understanding of christianity is so far off the mark you do not understand the base principles of any of it.
Stupid... I am not better than you. in fact probably a lot worse of the course of my life. even now still a sinful man. but i rebel against this sin and hate it. i seek atonement for it and have it. not because of anything i did to deserve any of this but because God is Good and i asked for it.
if i was 'good'/perfect God would owe righteousness to me.
that is you f'ed up picture.
that is the one satan left in the halls of religious tradition. however this is not the picture found in the bible.
That is why i do not understand why people turn their back on the bible or God. there is so much more freedom here on His side, than on all of the bullshite and hypocritical side of morality spawned in self righteousness/pop culture. here i am not judge by my works to be found righteous before God, but you have to toe the line tink like the group thinks and can not have a conflicting opinion of your own. Example say it is wrong for a full grown dressed like a girl should be allowed in a woman bathroom with very young girls are. I can say it is wrong and i can say i do not want my young daughter in the same room with a man who puts on a dress claims feelings or confusion not associated with his physical gender. I can say not only is it wrong but those who openly allow that are putting their children in harms way for a social virtue signaling! but you cant. I can be me under God even if that me does not measure up to him.
You can't even fathom a God who would tolerate you let alone him have me represent him to you.
Quote:How sad are you that a sit down with God
This is the same line that my brother used to give me when I refused to believe that he was King Arthur.
[/quote] but we are not talking about king arthur. we are talking about even if god pulled out the stops and sent you an angel you would be too thick headed to do anything with this gift.
that truth takes a back seat to your ad hoc world view.
Quote:Deities don't need tests, they Know.but how would we if we did not know we were tested?
if this happened the way you said when asked why did the angel come to you, i would not otherwise know. but because i was tested and see that senerio as such, i can say i was living how God wanted us to live i treated this guy despite all of the reason why not to the way i would have wanted, and whats more it was not even a consideration to put him in the cold again despite his intimidating appearance.
Quote: Tests are for the ones that flunked All-Knowing 101 and for followers who need excuses for non-Divine behaviour like parole officers.you trying to explain this to me is like listing to my youngest nephew explain the magic in how a tv works.. he's 4
I'm using scriptural precedent and scripturally backed reasoning, and you who doesn't even understand the nature of salvation and foolishly thinks acting like i have no sin is how the save act, is now going to explain to me why God would not then follow the scriptural precedent he set in the bible, when angels come to people and test them... HEY STOOP-ED IT's Already in the BIBLE!!! OTHERS HAVE GONE THROUGH SIMILAR EXPERIENCES I WENT THOUGH!!!! How stoop-ed are you to keep arguing this point?!?!?
Can't you see that is how you think God works... the same God who did not answer your prayers or deliver that girl car or whatever you asked him for in exchange for a life time of service of other good deeds. YOUR understanding of God is so bad he left you to this made up thing of your to fail, so you would know this idea of yours would never work!!! Now you are so proud you can not reason/fathom that I have found something different that I have found the real deal!?!?