Rev. Rye Wrote:And the fact that you believe that the big bucks are in vaccines, the vast majority of which are taken once or maybe three times in one's lifetime, when there's money to be made in pills and drugs that people take DAILY, shows how little you understand pharmaceuticals.
I said their priority is money before our health not that strawman u have built
Most of those vaccines were released under contracts that said they were to be taken out once the out break was contained. They lied
They may be more money in daily pills, i don't know but we're talking about mandating and that's everyone.
If they mandate the flu/corona shot worldwide thats almost 8 billion people, every year. Just sayin
Rev. Rye Wrote:no, they came back not because the vaccine failed, but because parents decided to stop vaccinating their kids and then they got it.
So if it was only the anti vaxxed that got it then the vaxxed have nothing to worry about.
Another dangerous thing is the side effects. Death is a sideffect for some of those vaccines.
One of them has a probability that kills 7,000 Americans per year when the total deaths from that disease is less than 100 per year
But everyone is just like uh dumb dumb right wing. Seeing everything through their thick socialist spectacles. Ideologically driven
Rev. Rye Wrote:Technically, he's an "Agnostic with Christian values." But I'm guessing that mostly means he parrots whatever bullshit the right-wing propagandists of Australia (Rupert Murdoch, it seems, since he owns 76% of the circulating papers, and Australia's only cable provider) tell him.
A couple of interesting things there. Im not just parroting the right wing media but what if somebody is?
Your parroting the left wing media (vax) and someone else is parroting the right wing media (anti vaxx)
Two views, both say their right and are backed by medical experts. How does a non political person choose.
Pick the most popular. Flip a coin. No thanks
You guys have no confidence in any vaccine. If Trump releases a vaccine you guys don't trust him either.
You can flip the coin if u want to be a guinea pig. I'll be fine