(April 26, 2020 at 3:14 pm)SuicideCommando01 Wrote: Hell is perhaps the most sickening human invention ever conceived. Why do "sinners" and "infidels" need to suffer FOREVER? Why must it be FOREVER and why must it be FIRE? Is there really no humane way to deal with them? Hell is REVENGE, not justice. As previous posters have stated before, you can go to hell (or whatever other religious underworlds) For simply not believing in that religion. How is it that God (or Allah in your case) creates gays/bisexuals yet he is disgusted by them? Hell is a scare-tactic, to keep you in line. The Abrahamic god claims he does not enjoy sinners suffering in hell but yet he sends them there anyway. And people claim you send yourself to hell, if God is the planner of everything, then HE is the one who sends you to hell, NOT YOU!
Well said, Commander!
Except that it DEFINITELY is!
Most Believe ONLY what they WANT to Believe...