(June 30, 2020 at 9:45 am)Editz Wrote: Systemic racism is illegal in america, just as it is in the UK. The fact BLM et al have not been able to identify and call out these, apparently invisible, systemic racist structures which are active in the modern 2020 world screams that its only proponents are...well, mistaken in thinking they exist.
Hysterical white mono-culture middle class with no black friends or lovers who worry they themselves are a little racist due to unfamiliarity and fear of the "different" (ie - black people) doing the "the lady doth protest too much, methinks" dance, and black people revelling in "poor, persecuted me" victim mentality making up the majority of their number, by my reckoning.
Basically, BLM is sad as fuck. 2c 50c.
I'm not sure, personally, that I'll be able to continue here if this new banner comes to pass due to...er...embarrassment at frequenting a forum with such a stupid banner, especially when there are other, very REAL and MASSIVE problems facing the world, which would be apparently not, in the same way, deserving of being featured on the banner - global warming :cough cough:
It's puzzling to me that you don't seem to think systemic racism isn't REAL or MASSIVE.
You state that it's illegal...so what does that mean? It no longer exists? How about heroin? It's illegal, does that mean it doesn't exist?
I am confused by where you are coming from with your explanation for being displeased with the changing of the banner to something that reflects BLM.
To be clear, I am not on board with changing the banner. There are too many issues out there...bigger, smaller, more prevalent, etc. to choose a single one...in my opinion anyway. There are too many deserving causes but trying to get agreement out of a diverse group of people is a challenge. It would be nice to have a small emblem on one end of the banner that could be cycled around to different things but that's a lot to ask of an unpaid staff. I know there won't ever be any sort of tribute to veterans and won't ever make the mistake of thanking veterans here again. That's asking to get your ass handed to you. So, I am out of this one too.
But this isn't my circus, not my monkeys, not my decision.