It is my understanding that the population boom was only able to happen because of easy concentrated energy. Oil, Coal. For years and years before we only had wood and water based energy as sources of energy.
Wouldn't it be safe to say, that if those energy sources become more scarce we will be unable to support the large population growth while the energy that allowed the growth to happen runs low.
The green revolution was only possible because of fossil fuels. Pesticides and the energy to convert land was fossil fuel based. This is a fossil fuel world, and we reached this point only because of them.
Unless we can find ways to replace the energy we gained from fossil fuels, things will not be good. Thats why we need more research into alternative energy, and not just some wind turbines, but something that can actually compete with the amount of energy fossil fuels provide.
We are able to ship large quantities of food around the country, due to energy, nothing is hardly local anymore, the burger I ate came from new Zealand cows. That is not possible without a cheap energy source.
It is all about energy. Technology spawned from having tons of cheap energy. Technology combined with energy allowed this population boom to occur. All other things remained constant.
Wouldn't it be safe to say, that if those energy sources become more scarce we will be unable to support the large population growth while the energy that allowed the growth to happen runs low.
The green revolution was only possible because of fossil fuels. Pesticides and the energy to convert land was fossil fuel based. This is a fossil fuel world, and we reached this point only because of them.
Unless we can find ways to replace the energy we gained from fossil fuels, things will not be good. Thats why we need more research into alternative energy, and not just some wind turbines, but something that can actually compete with the amount of energy fossil fuels provide.
We are able to ship large quantities of food around the country, due to energy, nothing is hardly local anymore, the burger I ate came from new Zealand cows. That is not possible without a cheap energy source.
It is all about energy. Technology spawned from having tons of cheap energy. Technology combined with energy allowed this population boom to occur. All other things remained constant.