(July 13, 2020 at 1:18 pm)Lawz Wrote: In my musings of late I've reached the conclusion that there's one key cognitive error people make, on auto-pilot, which holds us all back from making positive changes to our behaviour. That is that we think our habits and behaviour are, at least approximately, balanced and reasonable. We feel we are rational and wise (ish, at least) and that things are in balance - our behaviours are not errant and irrational, at least for the most part.
Perhaps we feel it is automatically necessary to think that way in order to have decent self-esteem? I disagree, however, in any case, to put it in colloquial terms: we feel the yin and the yang compliment each other - the forces are balanced.
The truth of the matter however is that the vast majority of us are desperately all over the place and skewed way off centre on at least several issues. Drugs, alcohol and gambling addiction, laziness/apathy, infidelity, AGW denial, woo belief, gluttony, hygiene neglect, crimes of all kinds...the list goes on and on and on.
Fuck the yin and yang (thus the red X) - lets all be brave, acknowledge our flaws, accept that our "bad" habits are illogical and break away from them. We do after all secretly KNOW they're errant, toxic, and wrong, but turn a blind eye to that because we believe we are rational, balanced individuals and so there MUST be very good reasons indeed for our errant and toxic bad habits.....afterall we've been doing them for so long! Insidious habits and ethos built up in the ignorance of youth and beyond.
Cool story?
Needs more dragons.