I'll leave this article up for everything to read.
The more that is revealed about the Game Stop situation the more it becomes obvious that it was simply one group of big beast investors taking a bite out of another group of big beasts, probably through means foul and illegal.
At best the robinhood boys just managed to get a few nice scraps off the table (if they jumped in early), most likely they were used as cover and as cats paws for some really shitty market manipulation.
The more that is revealed about the Game Stop situation the more it becomes obvious that it was simply one group of big beast investors taking a bite out of another group of big beasts, probably through means foul and illegal.
At best the robinhood boys just managed to get a few nice scraps off the table (if they jumped in early), most likely they were used as cover and as cats paws for some really shitty market manipulation.
Urbs Antiqua Fuit Studiisque Asperrima Belli