@John 6IX Breezy
Would you mind stating your position concerning evolution? Sorry if you posted it before, I looked and couldn't find it stated. I don't mean to inconvenience you. I just want context.
If you think evolution is a good theory, which is what I assumed reading your earlier posts, why bring up irreducible complexity? To refute Nudger? If this is what you were doing, I recommend using GOOD arguments to refute him rather than horrible ones.
Would you mind stating your position concerning evolution? Sorry if you posted it before, I looked and couldn't find it stated. I don't mean to inconvenience you. I just want context.
If you think evolution is a good theory, which is what I assumed reading your earlier posts, why bring up irreducible complexity? To refute Nudger? If this is what you were doing, I recommend using GOOD arguments to refute him rather than horrible ones.