To answer your main question, no, pantheism is not the same thing as atheism, because pantheism can mean different things. There are some pantheists who are staunch atheist and who just experience a sense of reverential awe at the beauty and grandeur of the universe around them. There are some who believe that the universe is actually a manifestation of a divine being, evolving based on preset physical laws, and then there are some who use the term as it was used classically to believe that all gods exist and all religions are valid. So yeah... No, pantheism is not technically the same thing as atheism, which is nothing more than a rejection of the idea that a divine being exists.
Also, do you have any supporting evidence to back up your claim that the Tanakh itself posits that the world is only 6,000 years old. The furthest back I can find any mention is in the early 1000's AD, and it looks like the actual belief didn't really come to be popular until much later. The books that make up the Tanakh are from well more than 3,000 yrs older than this. Not to mention most Jewish authorities have rejected the young earth creation ideas as unfounded and illogical. Even those who reject science in most things have had to accept that the Earth is far older than 6,000 yrs old. It's mostly loony White Evangelicals who believe that. The same ones who believe Noah's Ark was real, and go to the idiotic museum where you can see miniature versions of dinosaurs on display as if they lived even remotely close to the same timeframe as humans.
Also, do you have any supporting evidence to back up your claim that the Tanakh itself posits that the world is only 6,000 years old. The furthest back I can find any mention is in the early 1000's AD, and it looks like the actual belief didn't really come to be popular until much later. The books that make up the Tanakh are from well more than 3,000 yrs older than this. Not to mention most Jewish authorities have rejected the young earth creation ideas as unfounded and illogical. Even those who reject science in most things have had to accept that the Earth is far older than 6,000 yrs old. It's mostly loony White Evangelicals who believe that. The same ones who believe Noah's Ark was real, and go to the idiotic museum where you can see miniature versions of dinosaurs on display as if they lived even remotely close to the same timeframe as humans.