(December 4, 2021 at 9:45 am)Ketzer Wrote: This is an observation on my part where the bible basically talks in circles. Below are 2 quotes from the bible.
Genesis 1:26 - Then God said, “Let us make man in our image, according to our likeness. They will rule the fish of the sea, the birds of the sky, the livestock, the whole earth, and the creatures that crawl on the earth.”
Genesis 1:27 - So God created man in his own image. He created him in the image of God. He created them male and female.
When I pointed this out to my relatives (who are a mixture of Baptists and Catholics) they were caught off guard and struggled for an explanation.
I asked them, "So, god was a hermaphrodite that identified with the male side because it clearly states "he" created them male and female. They can explain this by saying god created man in his image buuuuut, then they'll contradict themselves if they try to explain the "our image part' because, according them there is only one god.
I know the rest of the bible too and use to asked all the time by my relatives. "If you're an Atheist, why do you know so much about the bible?" So, I throw it back by telling them that's the wrong question. "If you're a christian, why is it you don't?"
I look at the bible like a childish brat (GOD) playing his X-Box and getting frustrated when he cant get past the first level.
Level 1, Adam and Eve, ends up killing them off.
Level 2. Be a good Hebrew and nobody gets hurt.. Fuck them flood the world.
Level 3. Abusive spouse offers Jesus, "Look what I did for you". Like flowers after beating your spouse,
Level 4. End times. FUCK this shit, I am smashing my X-Box and going home.