(November 22, 2011 at 6:56 am)Epimethean Wrote: Fuck the utter rubbish you continue to spout. Wherever it is convenient, you play ignorant, and wherever you like, you wax pious. THIS is what I fucking hate about theists, this combination of ignorance and arrogance.I do not agree with you that teaching that hell is the end of those that reject Christ makes me a "hangman" or that is "torture". As I understand it, torture is not the same as telling the truth although it may hurt. A definition could be Torture is the act of inflicting severe pain (whether physical or psychological) as a means of punishment, revenge, forcing information or a confession, or simply as an act of cruelty.The absence of all of these does not support your argument. Refer my example on live electricity.
Here is an example where you just ducked out of a proper dialogue:
"Given this belief, how could a little torture be a bad thing. If torturing someone in this life leads them to salvation for eternity, isn't that a good thing? If burning an unrepentant heretic at the stake can silence criticism of holy doctrine and therefore save more souls for all eternity, isn't that a good thing?"
"I do not know who suggests that. I know that in Islam people are tortured etc to renounce their faith in Christ, but there is no indication that it would be an action sanctioned in the Bible. Again, this would be accepting that you could make somebody a Christian by merely accepting a certain doctrine– whether it be voluntary or under compulsion."
The fact is, proselytizing using the fear of hell on people-especially on impressionable children IS a torture. The fact that you don't see it as such but, rather, a duty you are obliged to perform, only makes you a good hangman. I would hazard that as many people come to xtianity out of coercion and fear-based reasoning as do for the "love fest" it purports to be.
The truth is that there is both hell and the love of Christ.
Nowadays the love of Christ is emphasized to sometimes the total exclusion of the wrath of God and hell. The reason ? - that is a much easier way to preach and get people to "accept" Christ/Christianity. It falls soft on the ear. The truth is both the love of Christ (and the fact that He laid down his life for you) and hell. One without the other is not truth. Hence I would rather affront you than lie to you.