(October 5, 2008 at 1:54 am)FutureAndAHope Wrote:(September 25, 2008 at 2:21 am)Darwinian Wrote: If you are an educated Christian then I have an important question for you. Have you ever thought about using your education to think about your faith?All I know is God does still heal http://www.johnmellor.org this guy got on local TV becasue he healed a blind wheel chair bound youth.
Your life and career demand that you act and think rationally. Let's apply your critical skills to the following 10 questions.
Here is an example of the kind of thing I'm talking about. As a Christian you believe in the power of prayer. According to a recent poll 3 out of 4 doctors believe God is performing medical miracles right now.
Many Christians believe that God is curing cancers, healing deceases, reversing the effects of poisons etc.
Question one: Why won't God heal amputees?
It's a simple question isn't it? We all know that amputated legs do not regenerate in response to prayer.
Amputees get no miracles from God.
If you are an intelligent person you have to admit that is an interesting question. One one hand you believe that God answers prayers and performs miracles. On the other hand you know that God completely ignores amputees when they prey for miracles.
How do you deal with this discrepancy? As an intelligent person you have to deal with it because it makes no sense.
In order to handle it you have to create some kind of rationalisation, you have to invent an excuse on God's behalf to explain this strange fact of life.
You might say that "God has some special plan for amputees".
Then you invent an excuse, whatever it is, then you stop thinking about it because it makes you feel uncomfortable.
(September 25, 2008 at 2:21 am)Darwinian Wrote: Here is another example. As a Christian you believe that God cares about you and answers your prayers.All the church seems to speak on is giving to the poor, it is rediculous to blame God (or the church) for this lack. Personally I give thousands of dollars to the poor, which is motivated by God. I know of another guy in our church who raised over ten thousand dollars for the poor. My friends church raises money for the poor too.
Question two: Why are there so many starving children in the world?
Why would God be worried about you getting a raise while at the same time ignoring the prayers of these desperate, innocent little children?
It doesn't make sense does it? Why would a loving God do this?
(September 25, 2008 at 2:21 am)Darwinian Wrote: To explain it you have to come up with some strange excuse for God like:
God wants these children to suffer and die for some divine and mysterious reason.
Even if children were to die God can still eternally save that person, by revealing himself to them on death.
(September 25, 2008 at 2:21 am)Darwinian Wrote: And then you push it out of your mind because it doesn't fit in with your view of a loving and caring god.
Question three: Why does God demand the death of so many innocent people in the bible?
Look up these verses...
Exodus 35:2 God demands that we kill everyone who works on the sabbath day.
Deuteronomy 21:18-21 God demands that we kill disobedient teenagers.
Leviticus 21:13 God demand the death of homosexuals.
Deuteronomy 21:13-21 God demand that we kill girls who are not virgins when they marry.
And so on. There are lots of verses like this.
It doesn't make sense does it? Why would a loving god want us to murder our fellow human beings over such trivial matters?
Just because you work on the wrong day of the week you must die?
This makes no sense does it? In fact, if you think about it, it's insane. So you create some kind of rationalisation to explain these verses.
The death penalty was a high penalty, it was to prevent via fear people doing things that God was opposed to. Jesus when confronted by a woman who had committed adultery (punishable by death) let her go free and would not allow the mob to kill her. Jesus who was God did not enforce the penalty on the woman.
(September 25, 2008 at 2:21 am)Darwinian Wrote: Question four: Why does the bible contain so much anti-scientific nonsense?No one knows how old the earth really is, it is not unscientific. We are just used to hearing millions of years.
As an educated person you know that the bible contains all sorts of information that is nonsense from a scientific perspective.
- God did not create the World in 6 days just 6000 years ago like the bible says.
(September 25, 2008 at 2:21 am)Darwinian Wrote: - There was never a worldwide flood that covered Mount Everest like the bible says.There is no evidence that a world wide flood did not occur, in fact it is recorded in writtings other than the bible, in the epic of gilgamesh, and many other cultures.
(September 25, 2008 at 2:21 am)Darwinian Wrote: - Jonah did not live inside a fishes stomach for 3 days like the bible says.Both of these are personal opinion not based upon any real fact. Just because you say it did not happen does not make it so.
- God did not create Adam from a handful of dust like the bible says.
(September 25, 2008 at 2:21 am)Darwinian Wrote: These stories are nonsense. Why would an all knowing God write nonsense? It makes no sense does it?The bible is a recorded history of communications with God. It is written by people with a low scientific knowledge so can not be expected to be a science text book. But it is understandable, and that is all that counts.
So you try to create some strange kind of excuse to explain why the bible contains nonsense.
(September 25, 2008 at 2:21 am)Darwinian Wrote: Question five: Why is God such a huge proponent of slavery in the bible.
Look up these verses:
Exodus 21:20-21
Colossians 3:21-24
Ephesians 6:5
1 Peter 2:18
And so on....
How on earth do you explain all of these?
The bible is not a book that supports slavery. It has laws regarding slavery because it was common practice at the time and people had slaves. One of the most important people in the freeing of slaves in the english kingdoms was a Christian - William Wilberforce
(September 25, 2008 at 2:21 am)Darwinian Wrote: Question six: Why do bad things happen to good people?chance
(September 25, 2008 at 2:21 am)Darwinian Wrote: Question seven: Why didn't any of Jesus's miracles in the bible leave any evidence?The nature of the miracles, they were primary healing. Besides I have already to you of some miracles of my own, but you are willingly deaf.
(September 25, 2008 at 2:21 am)Darwinian Wrote: Question eight: How do you explain that Jesus has never appeared to you?He has apeared to me on a few occassions via voice and feelings. I mentioned this in some of my earlier posts. You need to listen to that or you may by throwing out my evidence condemn your selves to hell.
(September 25, 2008 at 2:21 am)Darwinian Wrote: Question nine: Why would Jesus want you to eat his body and drink his blood?He was speaking in a parable he never expected any one to eat him. He meant we have to take him into our selves. Injest his teachings.
It sounds totally grotesque doesn't it? Why would an all powerful god want you to do something that, in any other context, sounds like a disgusting, cannibalistic and satanic ritual?
(September 25, 2008 at 2:21 am)Darwinian Wrote: Question ten: Why do Christians get divorced at the same rate as non-Christians?
When Christians get married they do it in the presence of God and their Christian friends who are praying that this marriage succeeds.
And they say, "What God has put together let no man put asunder." God is all powerful and if God puts two people together that should be that shouldn't it?
Yet Christians get divorced at the same rate as everyone else. How can that possibly be?
Because they are selfish. There is no excuse for this one.
To Future And a Hope.
Get yourself a copy of " The God Delusion "...read it...read it again.
Then revisit your answers.
Also, re. my signature....how likely?