(April 23, 2022 at 1:57 am)Foxaire Wrote: Remember having heard that one should drink so many glasses of water on a daily basis?
Well, apparently, that has changed. Or maybe it's just this particular clinic is advertising different information.
There was a poster indicating how much fluids one should consume. Enough to urinate at least three times a day. Then below that it mentioned, A roofer in the sun will consume more water than a person sitting in an air conditioned room.
Three times a day...

Some days I can manage three times an hour.
I tend to push fluid intake because in the past I had a history with frequent kidney stones.
Here's the thing...everyone is different, even to the point of having regular body temp not necessarily be 98.6. Most of my life, my normal is 99.4.
People need to learn to use things as guidelines, not absolutes.
And things change...eggs are bad, eggs are good, eggs are bad again, eggs are great, same with butter...the secret with most things is moderation.