(June 21, 2022 at 2:41 pm)Fake Messiah Wrote: Bible was written in the dark ages by people who didn't know where the sun went at night. Seriously, today a 9 year old child knows more about cosmology than the writers of the Bible.
The Bible was written from 1513 BCE to c. 98 CE. Take away the GPS of the average modern day 9 year old child and they would be lost. The average 9 year old child in Abraham's day could use the stars to find their way and mark the seasons, plant and harvest. Kind of like Star Wars vs. reality.
The word Greek word Kosmos, as used in the Bible, means adornment, and where we get the English word cosmos, cosmology, and cosmetics.
Quote:When it comes to translations, I wonder why then the dumbest people get to translate Bible since they all have firmament, foundations of Earth, that the stars will fall down, etc.
Well, firmamentum is a Latin mistranslation of the Hebrew word raqia and Greek stereoma, but even the KJV and ASV have a footnote where it appears at that reads "expansion" and "expanse" respectively. Those translations and others are based on the Latin Vulgate. It's mostly a product of the times. The science of the dark ages influenced translation. Terms like foundations of the earth and four corners of the earth are obviously figurative and still used in modern English. Falling stars are used figuratively. Stars themselves are used figuratively throughout the Bible in application of people and spirit beings.