The recent political events will have a subtle, but lasting, impact. Dick Nixon may have had his flaws, but, he will be judged less harshly by historians in the upcoming centuries:
Wikipedia -- 1960 United States presidential election
Quote:Nixon's campaign staff urged him to pursue recounts and challenge the validity of Kennedy's victory in several states, especially Illinois, Missouri, and New Jersey, where large majorities in Catholic precincts handed Kennedy the election.[72] Nixon gave a speech three days after the election, stating that he would not contest the election.[72] The Republican National Chairman, Senator Thruston Ballard Morton of Kentucky, visited Key Biscayne, Florida, where Nixon had taken his family for a vacation, and pushed for a recount.[72] Morton challenged the results in 11 states,[75] keeping challenges in the courts into mid-1961, but the only result of these challenges was the loss of Hawaii to Kennedy on a recount.
Wikipedia -- 1960 United States presidential election