Even in its early "Show prospective investors pretty pictures." phase, I thought it was too much of a 'One trick pony'.
A kind of 'Flesh H.R.Geiger' vibe.
While I use the phrase "All art, no substance." a 'Game' has to have more elements to it than just it's setting.
Still, much kudos to them for getting it produced and to the market.
One can only hope both the artist and the game company keep getting better with time.
Not at work.
Even in its early "Show prospective investors pretty pictures." phase, I thought it was too much of a 'One trick pony'.
A kind of 'Flesh H.R.Geiger' vibe.
While I use the phrase "All art, no substance." a 'Game' has to have more elements to it than just it's setting.
Still, much kudos to them for getting it produced and to the market.
One can only hope both the artist and the game company keep getting better with time.
Not at work.