I just tried to post a link to Snopes.com on Facebook and Facebook is telling me they have blocked the link because it is "unsafe and spammy." Does anyone know anything about this? I thought Snopes was a legitimate site. Am I wrong about this?
BTW if anyone is curious, the link was in response to someone posting this story:
Do you know what a "Candy Cane Really is"? Many years ago a candy maker wanted to make candy that would symbolize the true meaning of Christmas-Which is "Jesus" The hard candy was shaped like a " J " to represent that Jesus is our rock of all ages. The candy was white, that stands for the pureness of Jesus, and the red represents the blood that Jesus shed to save us from our sins. So the next time you see a candy cane, take a minute to remember the real meaning of 'Christmas'. I would like to see all my friends re-post this for all their friends to share. Have a wonderful day!! And MERRY CHRISTMAS!!
Here's Snopes's response:
BTW if anyone is curious, the link was in response to someone posting this story:
Do you know what a "Candy Cane Really is"? Many years ago a candy maker wanted to make candy that would symbolize the true meaning of Christmas-Which is "Jesus" The hard candy was shaped like a " J " to represent that Jesus is our rock of all ages. The candy was white, that stands for the pureness of Jesus, and the red represents the blood that Jesus shed to save us from our sins. So the next time you see a candy cane, take a minute to remember the real meaning of 'Christmas'. I would like to see all my friends re-post this for all their friends to share. Have a wonderful day!! And MERRY CHRISTMAS!!
Here's Snopes's response:
I have studied the Bible and the theology behind Christianity for many years. I have been to many churches. I have walked the depth and the breadth of the religion and, as a result of this, I have a lot of bullshit to scrape off the bottom of my shoes. ~Ziploc Surprise