(April 25, 2023 at 1:03 pm)BrianSoddingBoru4 Wrote:(April 22, 2023 at 9:24 am)FlatAssembler Wrote: With the help from people from forum.hr, I have modified the code of my program like this:
It seems to work so far.Code:Function obrni_polinom() Which Returns Nothing Is Declared;
Function f(Integer16 i, Integer16 j) Which Returns Integer16 Does
// Za pretvaranje indeksa dvodimenzionalnog polja u indeks jednodimenzionalnog
// polja. Kada u svoj AEC compiler još nisam implementirao dvodimenzionalna
// polja...
Return 20 * i + j;
Function popuni_matricu() Which Returns Integer16 Does
Integer16 broj_stupaca :=
(stupanj_polinoma + 1) / 2 + mod(stupanj_polinoma + 1, 2),
broj_redaka := stupanj_polinoma + 1;
Integer16 i := 0;
//Popunimo matricu prvo not-a-numbersima...
While i < broj_redaka Loop
Integer16 j := 0;
While j < broj_stupaca Loop
matrica[f(i, j)] := 0. / 0.;
j += 1;
i += 1;
//Zatim idemo primjeniti Hurwitzov algoritam...
i := 0;
While i < broj_redaka Loop
Integer16 j := 0;
While j < broj_stupaca Loop
If i = 0 Then // Prvi redak
matrica[f(i, j)] := polinom[j * 2];
ElseIf i = 1 Then // Drugi redak
matrica[f(i, j)] := (j * 2 + 1 < stupanj_polinoma + 1) ?
polinom[j * 2 + 1] :
Else // Ostali reci...
If matrica[f(i - 1, 0)] = 0 Then // Posebni slučajevi, kada se u prvom
// stupcu matrice pojavi nula.
If jesmo_li_obrnuli_polinom Then // Obrtanje polinoma nije "upalilo".
Return 0;
Else // Možda obrtanje polinoma "upali"...
obrni_polinom(); // https://www.forum.hr/showpost.php?p=97955497&postcount=16
jesmo_li_obrnuli_polinom := 1;
Return popuni_matricu();
matrica[f(i, j)] := (matrica[f(i - 1, 0)] *
(j + 1 < broj_stupaca ?
matrica[f(i - 2, j + 1)] : 0) -
(matrica[f(i - 2, 0)] *
(j + 1 < broj_stupaca ?
matrica[f(i - 1, j + 1)] : 0))) /
matrica[f(i - 1 , 0)];
j += 1;
i += 1;
If matrica[f(broj_redaka - 1, 0)] = polinom[stupanj_polinoma] Then
Return 1;
Return 0;
Function broj_korijena_u_desnoj_poluravnini() Which Returns Integer16 Does
Integer16 i := 1, brojac := 0;
While i < stupanj_polinoma + 1 Loop
brojac += not(signum(matrica[f(i, 0)]) = signum(matrica[f(i - 1, 0)]));
i += 1;
Return brojac;
Function obrni_polinom() Which Returns Nothing Does
Decimal64 pomocni_polinom[20];
Integer16 i := 0, j := stupanj_polinoma;
While i < stupanj_polinoma + 1 Loop
pomocni_polinom[i] := polinom[j];
i += 1;
j -= 1;
i := 0;
While i < stupanj_polinoma + 1 Loop
polinom[i] := pomocni_polinom[i];
i += 1;
So, we can focus on my second question: How can I solve the preparation for the laboratory exercise that is asking to calculate the range (interval) of gain for which the system will be stable using both the Hurwitz'es Criterion and the Bode's Criterion? Neither the Hurwitz'es Criterion nor the Bode's Criterion give us ranges. Hurwitz'es Criterion gives us the number of poles on the right-hand-side of the imaginary axis, which is always zero for stable systems. Bode's Criterion gives us, for stable systems, the Amplitude Security and Phase Security. Can you somehow calculate the range of gain for which the system is stable using Amplitude Security and Phase Security? I don't know.
What’s this ‘we’ stuff? You have a mouse in your pocket or something?
I mean, I and people who are willing to help me.