(September 9, 2023 at 9:28 pm)GrandizerII Wrote:Quote:The primary problem with incels isn't themselves. Nor is it others. There's no blame for anyone.
If they want their problems fixed, they need to step it up and do the adult thing of self-improvement. You can't keep blaming your bullies or your abusive parents or your abusive boss forever. Whatever the reasons, the resultant problems you're having dwell within you, and if you want to do something about them, you have to be real about how you go about addressing them. You can't keep falling prey to self-fulfilling prophecies that say you can't do this or that because you're doomed. You can still do something with your life.
I get that this is easier said than done. But this would be the starting point.
I think that both can be true.
Sad lonely men must take responsibility for themselves, not blame others, and not be horrible to people.
And the rest of us can work on making a society in which it's easier for them to do that.
Oversimple analogy: all drivers must obey traffic laws. But a good urban planner can make it a lot easier for them to do that, so they aren't nearly as likely to misbehave.
So it's not irresponsible to talk about what we can do to make life easier for lonely people. I would want to live in a culture that offered help to those who were suffering. Doing something with your life is easier if college is affordable, rewarding jobs are available, all that basic stuff.
Earlier on this thread (or the similar one) FF described the perfect storm conditions that led to the incel boom. Surely some of that can be worked on -- without declaring that horrible behavior gets a pass.