I have a hypothesis which I would like to test. If any statement is made and the question of 'why?' is asked in reference to that statement there will be finite regress of statements until eventually an assumption is made.
We've all heard the illustration of a child asking the question 'why?' when their parents say something and the parent replies only to be asked 'why?' again until the parent goes insane. For a humorous example of this occurring here is a video (fast forward to 6:25): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4u2ZsoYWwJA
Simply stated, is there any statement which can be made with no fundamental assumption being made? In other words, is there a statement that can withstand the question 'why?'?
We've all heard the illustration of a child asking the question 'why?' when their parents say something and the parent replies only to be asked 'why?' again until the parent goes insane. For a humorous example of this occurring here is a video (fast forward to 6:25): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4u2ZsoYWwJA
Simply stated, is there any statement which can be made with no fundamental assumption being made? In other words, is there a statement that can withstand the question 'why?'?
Brevity is the soul of wit.