Out of all the things that me and my ex fought about, one thing i completley agree with her on is we as a secular sect should find away to build and run rescue missions for people without having to be continuously subjected to religious dogma. Some say it's just a small price to pay for staying there and for the seculars with kids it provides a different problem. there are more and more homeless people out there and it could careless if you are secular, christian, muslim, pegan or buddist. you lose your job and cant pay mortgage or rent. you have two options. freezing on the streets or a religious based shelter. what would it take for a secular community to come together in at least major cities to build and be able to donate for this need. So many homless see that "god" has made this avalible to them and get washed away with the delusion and to provide a secualr "ministry" in these shelters are shot down before you open your mouth. so whats your thoughts?
Bill Maher: If you believe that the world is going to come to an end - and perhaps any day now - does it not drain one's motivation to improve life on earth while we're here?