Just wondered how many people here identify with the label "contrarian" - meaning a person who tends to reject or oppose popular opinion.
This tendency of mine drove my parents mad - my mother would actually say "You would argue with Jesus Christ if he were here."
I have always defended unpopular opinions and people. This works against me especially in the shallow world of social media (I recently posted a New Yorker article "The Case Against Travel" and achieved 0 likes!!!! A record even for me).
That said I don't usually argue just for argument's sake. I'm not a troll. I just try to see things differently.
This tendency of mine drove my parents mad - my mother would actually say "You would argue with Jesus Christ if he were here."
I have always defended unpopular opinions and people. This works against me especially in the shallow world of social media (I recently posted a New Yorker article "The Case Against Travel" and achieved 0 likes!!!! A record even for me).
That said I don't usually argue just for argument's sake. I'm not a troll. I just try to see things differently.