No i don't think quick fixes are the answer but it is nice to have when you really need it, say help with rent or help with car payment or food. But within our society the way it is, maintaning the status quo does nothing. First of all there have to be equal or more job availible than there are people. with new clean or alternative energy i'm expecting that there will be more jobs to fill. But i know that more people live on minumum wage and can never get over that hump, But my problem is that with lets say the resuce missions is that it's mandantory for people to sit through their sermons everyday, and for a secular to have to sit through that kind of thing and keep his mouth shut i'm sure is very hard. And with a mission it's not a perment place, it's just enough to really get you on your feet. And with Christians dominating this area,the weak minded people will see this as a sign that god provided this. Instead it comes with a catch. Now if there was a secular alterniative where people who have hit rock bottom could stay without having the brainwashing cult that is any religion preying on them and actual help getting a job. For some reason religious shelters will let you stay there and thats it the rest is up to you.. and i know these religious leaders or donators know people in the workforce that could use someone to work. I know with a secular mission, they would set these people up to succeed. if they knew of an employer that needed and employee, and is willing to train. i know of several secular humanist up here that would do this set up a meeting between the two. But until we get outta this Greed delusion (lmost as bad as the god delusion) and realize that god did not entitle us to anything. will we get out of this continous cycle of idiocity.
Bill Maher: If you believe that the world is going to come to an end - and perhaps any day now - does it not drain one's motivation to improve life on earth while we're here?