(June 20, 2024 at 11:37 am)Mister Agenda Wrote: My dreams often involve looking for something that I can never quite find, or just being lost. They're often of the past, like being in college and not being able to find my class room, in the Air Force not being able to find where I'm supposed to report, or back on the farm walking a fence that never seems to take me back home. For some reason I used to have a lot of dreams where zombies were chasing me, sometimes through an office building, sometimes through a jungle, and whenever they got too close I alwasy found a new way to gain some distance from them.
On the plus side, I always have a lot of stamina in my dreams.
Pretty typical stress dreams. They *used to* really bum me out, and make major anxiety while I was experiencing them.
Since I've retired from teaching, I find myself really not giving a damn about it in the dream, then realize I'm dreaming (become lucid), and have a ball, doing anything I want.
Lucid dreaming, and being the god of my own unlimited universe, is the ultimate amusement park experience. I highly recommend it.
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