My definition: A group of individuals who think the same way about God.
I don't get what you are saying. If your belief was in chocolate chips that could be considered a religion held by 1 person, you. Relgions aren't real. As I stated to you (i think, i may have stated it elsewhere) the fact that the beliefs are about God is not important. I simply defined it as beliefs about God because usually people are referring to God when they use the term religion. The concepts of conservatism and liberalism are also religions in my opinion. Yes, agnosticism and deism could be called religions as well. They don't have to be. Neither does atheism or Catholocism, Words are not real. You can call it whatever you want. It is a set of beliefs a group of people share about something.
I guess you could look at it that way, but again, religions aren't even real things. It's a label people use, it has no inherent meaning, it is just a vehicle used for communication of ideas.
My definition: A group of individuals who think the same way about God.
Quote:This definition fails, because according to this, the only way to avoid a belief in god is to come up with one that no one else has before. By your defintion agnosticism and deism are also religions, yet if I worshipped chocolate chips as god incarnate on a weekly basis in front of a shrine, that would not be one. I agree with the sentiment that you are creating your own defintion of religion and trying to shoehorn whatever you want into it.
I don't get what you are saying. If your belief was in chocolate chips that could be considered a religion held by 1 person, you. Relgions aren't real. As I stated to you (i think, i may have stated it elsewhere) the fact that the beliefs are about God is not important. I simply defined it as beliefs about God because usually people are referring to God when they use the term religion. The concepts of conservatism and liberalism are also religions in my opinion. Yes, agnosticism and deism could be called religions as well. They don't have to be. Neither does atheism or Catholocism, Words are not real. You can call it whatever you want. It is a set of beliefs a group of people share about something.
amkerman Wrote:A Catholic is not Catholocism; and atheist is not atheism. You can be one without being a member of that religion in my opinion, for you to be part of the "religion" you must blindly accept the beliefs of the religion.
Quote:If this were true then anyone who studies religion and comes to their own conclusion that Catholicism is true is not part of a religion. Being religious isn't dependent on how you came to a conclusion, only what conclusion you came to.
I guess you could look at it that way, but again, religions aren't even real things. It's a label people use, it has no inherent meaning, it is just a vehicle used for communication of ideas.