And where does it stop? You have a movie you streamed? This means you can copy it and give it to a friend who has not paid for it? If humans were good enough to abide by lending rules such as libraries (and Nooks) have, and to understand and accept that ownership is different from borrowing, if they could accept that intellectual property is still property, we might make headway here. If you buy a book on Nook, and you loan it to a friend for two weeks, at the end of the loan, it disappears. If the borrower-or the loaner takes steps to make the temporary arrangement permanent for others, that is theft, as it displaces a possible sale of the property and is akin to keeping a dvd or a book from the library.
What is wrong with actually paying for what you take?
What is wrong with actually paying for what you take?
Trying to update my sig ...