The reason that the system is so unfair is because it developed organically and people are always looking for loopholes. As people find loopholes, new legislation is created to patch up those holes. Laws are tools to balance things so there won't be a fast track to wealth for only a few people. We are doing the best we can.
Some people believe there is a group of people that are manipulting society for their own gain, but I do not believe that people can be that clever and stay so well hidden.
My whole reason for posting in this thread was to express my concern about targeting rich people. My collar is as blue as any, but I would like to think that building wealth is something I could do without being targeted by the proleteriat. I am getting a degree in business management so I have the potential to build some wealth.
The reason that the system is so unfair is because it developed organically and people are always looking for loopholes. As people find loopholes, new legislation is created to patch up those holes. Laws are tools to balance things so there won't be a fast track to wealth for only a few people. We are doing the best we can.
Some people believe there is a group of people that are manipulting society for their own gain, but I do not believe that people can be that clever and stay so well hidden.
My whole reason for posting in this thread was to express my concern about targeting rich people. My collar is as blue as any, but I would like to think that building wealth is something I could do without being targeted by the proleteriat. I am getting a degree in business management so I have the potential to build some wealth.