Family (Mel and I definitely have that in common)
Friends -- I have few close ones and they are very important to me
Reading a lot
Writing a lot
Road trips
History in a professional sense
Geology in an amateur rock collector sense
Astronomy as in "Holy fuck that is cool, but I don't understand it. Look at all those pretty pictures."
Volunteering on occasion like Mel. My last stint was a Halloween haunted house to raise money for an individual with lung cancer and juvenile diabetes in general
Scrapbooking -- shut up. It's fun.
and Tiberius.
Friends -- I have few close ones and they are very important to me
Reading a lot
Writing a lot
Road trips
History in a professional sense
Geology in an amateur rock collector sense
Astronomy as in "Holy fuck that is cool, but I don't understand it. Look at all those pretty pictures."
Volunteering on occasion like Mel. My last stint was a Halloween haunted house to raise money for an individual with lung cancer and juvenile diabetes in general
Scrapbooking -- shut up. It's fun.
and Tiberius.