I think it arose out of laziness. Here in south Texas it's been reduced to coulda, woulda, & shoulda. All three brazenly spitting in the face of correct use of the English language. However, this is how language evolves and changes over time. There may come a point in time where could of may replace or be seen as equal to could have in its usage. Just as some popular slang makes it into respected dictionaries such may also be the case with these linguistic anomalies.
I can't say that I'm immune from such abuse of the language either. However, such instances do become a bit worrisome when something is stated or written correctly according to the rules of the language and an entire classroom of students tell you, "that don't sound right. It just sounds weird".
I can't say that I'm immune from such abuse of the language either. However, such instances do become a bit worrisome when something is stated or written correctly according to the rules of the language and an entire classroom of students tell you, "that don't sound right. It just sounds weird".