(March 6, 2012 at 2:14 pm)Tiberius Wrote: Reverend Jeremiah didn't quote that article; he represented his own view (at least that is how it appeared). Also, I didn't spot the words "get rid of the darky" in that article, or that they intend to replace Obama with a "real American".
My point was, he worded it as if it were his own opinion of what was happening; and that is how I took it. Is that what he really thinks? I'll wait until he either confirms / denies it.
Just to let you know Tiberius, this is what Conservapedia does. They grab hold of every single conspiracy theory and blow them up to be larger than life.
Conspiaracy theories that make right wingers look good are enshrined; such as Hitler being a left wing socialistic atheist, or Obama's BC being forged. Conservapedia supports these conspiracy theories 100% and talk as if they are obvious facts.
On the other hand, left wing conspiracy theories, such as the 9-11 conspiracy is subjected to a level of skepticism that would make Carl sagan proud. 9-11 CT's are picked apart and used to prove how kooky left wingers are on the site.
i oppose conspiracy theories regardless of their political leanings. CT's are kooky and I want no part in them.
The site also claims that all of the worlds kangaroos were on the ark, alongside Tyranisaurus rex's and other dinosaurs.