mediamogul Wrote:Manichaeism is a Christian sect with some unusual beliefs. One of which is that god is essentially dualistic, both good and evil, one half embodied by "god" who is good but not omnipotent against evil which is embodied by Satan. The history of the earth is, to them, the history of a struggle between these two forces which are not seen as mutually exclusive but complimentary and neccessary intertwined forces. Takes care of the problem of evil for them!The fact that the idea of a god is so subjective proves that no such thing exists. I had Bible study last night (yes.. it's like I'm a fly stuck in the spider's web. Still a closet atheist) and something that was mentioned was that 'God is the only constant thing in our lives'. Well I beg to differ! God itself isn't even constant because there's over 30 000 xtian denominations and also other religions out there.
"It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it" ~ Aristotle