Dubya did not invent either American imperialism nor American jingoism. Both of those things have existed almost from independence. His incompetence and stupidity merely made them more obvious. EG :Iraq is essentially and imperialist war,aimed at establishing a permanent US presence in the Middle East;The US will NEVER completely withdraw.
It's telling that the incumbent centrist popularist president does not so far look like even seriously considering changing either US foreign policy or the broader status quo in any meaningful way. EG I predict that at the end of his presidency the US will STILL not have a decent health system, a just welfare system,and will still decline to treat its veterans honourably.
Just imagine for a second; IF the US did not invade Iraq,and instead spent that money on say a universal health system and education.
It's telling that the incumbent centrist popularist president does not so far look like even seriously considering changing either US foreign policy or the broader status quo in any meaningful way. EG I predict that at the end of his presidency the US will STILL not have a decent health system, a just welfare system,and will still decline to treat its veterans honourably.
Just imagine for a second; IF the US did not invade Iraq,and instead spent that money on say a universal health system and education.