Adrian, progressive taxation is fair but the rich aren't taxed enough at the moment.
We live in a society and everyone contributes to that society. The rich are privileged ( the very rich even more so ),the poor are under-privileged. It is fair and just that the rate of tax the rich and very rich pay should be greater than the poor. It is not " robbery ". The poor have been " robbed " down the centuries, creating wealth for the very rich.
If I were rich or very rich, I would consider myself very fortunate and paying more tax to make a better society would be money well spent.
You say people won't buy it....well most people aren't filthy rich, so I disagree with you.
I've dealt with your fixed rate idea. I reject it.
I don't hate rich people persay, I might hate some of them. As a socialist though I have more affinity with the ordinary man or woman than I do with the rich. You, on the other hand, do not. You are quick to bash the feckless poor, but defend the interests of the wealthy. Your choice.
As to your reference to strikes, organised labour was stripped of its power by the Thatcher government's anti-union legislation which is still in force and makes taking strike action very hard to do.
Capitalism has always been a battleground between employer and worker, it can't be anything else! The employer wants labour at the lowest cost. The worker wants the best wage his labour can obtain. It is a constant. Whatever gains have been made by the worker have been through struggle and not through the benevolence of the boss class.
dry land fish, you live in a different country so I can't talk with knowledge about the situation there, but here in the UK finding work is DIFFICULT. It is difficult for people with degrees as well as for less-qualified people. Have you heard of the recession?
Looking after the poor is part and parcel of a civilised society. You appear to prefer dog-eat-dog, only the strong survive etc.etc. Well that's your choice...I hope it never comes to that, but it might when the capitalist system ends.
I tell you frankly, if I were unemployed and on benefit, and I was offered work that brought home less than my benefit, I would stay on benefit. Something is wrong, either benefit is too high or the wage too low. You can probably guess which I think is the case. Poor people don't make the system, they have to play by it and even beat it, if that's what it takes to survive.
We live in a society and everyone contributes to that society. The rich are privileged ( the very rich even more so ),the poor are under-privileged. It is fair and just that the rate of tax the rich and very rich pay should be greater than the poor. It is not " robbery ". The poor have been " robbed " down the centuries, creating wealth for the very rich.
If I were rich or very rich, I would consider myself very fortunate and paying more tax to make a better society would be money well spent.
You say people won't buy it....well most people aren't filthy rich, so I disagree with you.
I've dealt with your fixed rate idea. I reject it.
I don't hate rich people persay, I might hate some of them. As a socialist though I have more affinity with the ordinary man or woman than I do with the rich. You, on the other hand, do not. You are quick to bash the feckless poor, but defend the interests of the wealthy. Your choice.
As to your reference to strikes, organised labour was stripped of its power by the Thatcher government's anti-union legislation which is still in force and makes taking strike action very hard to do.
Capitalism has always been a battleground between employer and worker, it can't be anything else! The employer wants labour at the lowest cost. The worker wants the best wage his labour can obtain. It is a constant. Whatever gains have been made by the worker have been through struggle and not through the benevolence of the boss class.
dry land fish, you live in a different country so I can't talk with knowledge about the situation there, but here in the UK finding work is DIFFICULT. It is difficult for people with degrees as well as for less-qualified people. Have you heard of the recession?
Looking after the poor is part and parcel of a civilised society. You appear to prefer dog-eat-dog, only the strong survive etc.etc. Well that's your choice...I hope it never comes to that, but it might when the capitalist system ends.
I tell you frankly, if I were unemployed and on benefit, and I was offered work that brought home less than my benefit, I would stay on benefit. Something is wrong, either benefit is too high or the wage too low. You can probably guess which I think is the case. Poor people don't make the system, they have to play by it and even beat it, if that's what it takes to survive.
A man is born to a virgin mother, lives, dies, comes alive again and then disappears into the clouds to become his Dad. How likely is that?