Quote:Pip, your comment is bigoted and disappointing. I suggest you try some traveling,without the judgmental attitude.
I am sorry to disappoint... I have done some traveling, and I don't have a judgmental attitude to bring along. If I may expand. I am American, and Canadian. I have lived in different parts of both countries the whole of my life. My observations about the "American" way of life and state of mind are based on what I have seen, and also more personal experience. I remember what it was to be American in the head, so I feel like I have a slight right to hold an "educated opinion" about said mind state. I am not trying to label all Americans as anything, and we can skip past the 4th grade "stereotypes are baaad" stuff. Americans have a way of life, as do Canadians. They each have an identity, both very similar in some respects, and very much different in others. In comparing what I think is the overall identity of Americans and Canadians, I see that the health care system we are afforded would not work if we had an American identity. If Canadians acted like Americans, the health care system here would fail. If America gets Canada's health care system, it will fail. That is my opinion, but I feel it better than some I have, as I feel I have a lot of experience. If anyone can be an expert in the differences between America and Canada, I could attempt to qualify. I again am sorry if you took my opinion to be bigoted. If you still feel so, that is acceptable.
Of course, I have a lot of bad things to say about Canada's health care system. It is in shambles right now, but we are talking about ideology, not reality. And, of course, I maintain that America needs a health care reform, but I will lend no support whatsoever to this current governments attempt or idea of reform.
And the lines are getting blurry. Canada, for the first official time, went into an illegal, offensive war action. As of a few years ago this place started to remind me of home, in the worst way.
Anyways. Go patriots (not the football team). Fuck Obama.